News / News 2022

9 August, 2022  
Digitalisation of Work Process and Data Management Exhibition 2022

The exhibition and sharing session on “Digitalisation of Work Process and Data Management - Matching Your Needs through Procurement” was organised by The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on 9th August 2022, to promote and encourage Government departments to streamline the workflow with a digitisation mindset and relevant solutions, with a view to provide public services that are more targeted and based on scientific principles to bring about a fresh experience for the public.

To prepare for the event, FSTB and the GLD had been in touch with different government departments to learn about the difficulties they often encounter in their workflow and data processing when delivering public services. After that, a variety of digital technology solutions was sourced from the market together with the HKPC, the Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport.

ISL is very honoured to be one of the exhibitors of this event to present our product: ReportNOW. ReportNOW provides an easy-to-use, no-code platform for users to digitalise their workflow, in order to help enterprises to perform digital transformation.

Without the need of special training, users can create new form or report easily in a few minutes and also share data in real-time. No matter where you are, you can create and upload the reports required.